by Jan

One of these classic nursery rhyme pictures cost less than $1! It has characters from the Hey Diddle Diddle nursery rhyme including the cat and the fiddle including the little dog that laughs to see such sport.

It only lacks the cow that jumps over the moon and the dish that ran away with the spoon but if you are in the process of decorating a baby's nursery rhyme theme room, I believe that with a little imagination that you could improvise and bring in the remaining characters via other decorations that come with your Hey Diddle Diddle baby bedding set.

There are lots of nursery rhyme pictures printed in bright colors that have a modern look and feel about them that may be more in keeping with the atmosphere that you want for your baby's nursery. But these prints would look super in a vintage style nursery especially if you can buy them for less than a dollar! At that price you might want to consider framing a couple of the vintage nursery rhyme pictures to use as decorations or to give to the mother to be at a nursery rhyme theme baby shower!

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