by LaDonna
I’m not sure if I chose baby deer or Bambi baby bedding for our baby's nursery theme since a baby deer looks like a baby deer to me whether it's a Disney cartoon character or not.
Forest Friends Nursery
Hunting Theme Nursery
Baby Owl Nursery
Bear and Moose Log Cabin Nursery
One of the things that my husband and I found that we had in common very early was that as we both have big, brown eyes that our friends nicknamed us "Bambi" long before we ever met. That’s reason number one that I chose a deer nursery theme (but keep reading because there are two more reasons that might be of interest regarding my baby’s room design).
The Disney version of Bambi that was one of the first movies I ever saw gave me my first impression of what parenting and motherhood truly means. Anybody who ever saw this film remembers the part where Bambi’s mother gave her own life to save her baby’s, right? And that’s how I feel about my son, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do to protect him so that’s reason number two that I had my heart set on baby deer or Bambi bedding.
The third and perhaps the most important reason that I chose a Disney baby deer or Bambi baby bedding set is spiritual based on a Bible verse that is inspirational and specifically mentions deer, Psalm 18:33 that says "He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; He enables me to stand on the heights."
Our baby’s room theme is designed to be a reminder of what parenting is about and to rely on God for strength. Plus, I just like the tranquil feeling that I get when I’m in my baby boy’s forest theme nursery.