Teether Necklace

by Candice Orpesa
(Cumming, GA, USA)

I think that wearing a teether necklace is a brilliant idea because my daughter is always pulling at my hair and my shirt and trying to stick things in her mouth and if I had a teether handy she could soothe herself and I wouldn't be soaked...that would be great!

Often when she gets fussy, I will let her chew on my finger to try and soothe her and sometimes I will rub on a little oral gel. The problem that I have with most teething toys is that they get dropped on the floor. I hate when I'm wearing my baby and she's chomping down on a teething circle and then drops it on the floor.

When that happens I have to boil water to sanitize it and this takes at least 15 minutes which seems like forever with a teething baby. I also think a teether necklace would be entertainment for my baby when she's nursing. Rather than having her little arm flailing around hitting me, she could be playing with the necklace.

I will say that if I win I will pick the Jade teether necklace and matching bangle set. I love the color and my daughter's name is Jade Liv. Second of all, I believe that teething jewelry is a wonderful idea! I only wish that I had invented this!

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