Mom Jewelry Giveaway
We enter to win free baby stuff, but what's wrong with a mom jewelry giveaway every now and then? Winning free stuff for mom is just as much fun as entering contests to win free stuff for babies! Who hasn't heard the old saying that if mama's happy, everybody's happy?
And believe me, if you want to make a new mother happy give her the gift of a gold necklace, earrings or bracelet! Her eyes will shine like diamonds and she will breeze through those stacks of laundry and she won't complain about those humdrum daily chores at all! We are all about making moms and babies happy around here so we like to host as many free jewelry giveaways as we possibly can!
Here's where you type the details of the promotion or giveaway
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We would now like to disclose that we receive free baby products and/or jewelry to review but am not required to write a positive review in exchange for them and that all opinions that I express in my reviews are my own as are all of the comments that are made by me on this website. I post this disclosure in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 and I would assume that others do the same.
Independent baby product and reviews with the occasional mom jewelry and contests where new moms can win free baby stuff are a win-win situation for all involved since the companies get exposure for their products and new moms get to read opinions on whether or not the product is worth the company's asking price. Webmasters of baby websites like mine get to enjoy hosting the mom jewelry giveaways as well as using all the latest stuff. PLUS, I get to give some of it away to new moms who will undoubtedly spread the word to others if they love the prizes that they win. If you would like for Unique Baby Gear Ideas to review a product (with a value of $50 or more) and sponsor a mom jewelry giveaway for your company, please contact me at uniquebabygear at and we can talk about it.
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