Sweet Pea Baby Shower Ideas

by Christine

There are so many sweet pea or peas in a pod shower ideas that it's hard to choose just one. One thing that you should know is that "pea green" is not the mandatory color scheme for this shower theme. You can colors your "pea pods" in any color you like for this cute baby shower theme. One color works as well as the next and is no more expensive (or inexpensive) than the next and it's so much nicer to use pink for a baby girl's baby shower or baby blue for a baby boy shower than neutral green.

First off the invitations can be homemade. Art stores carry beautiful green paper that can be cut out in the shape of a pea pod and folded over with a space for informational wording and a short rhyme or poem. But as you already know, stores carry craft paper in all colors not just green.

Stencils or stamps can be used for fancy lettering or embossed designs and will give your baby invitations a professional look. You can also make a response card in the shape of a pea pod.

Another idea is the popular diaper cakes, can be homemade and personalized for your mother to be. Use green satin ribbon and any baby toys (rattles or pacifiers) that are green as well.

As far as edible shower cakes from a professional bakery go, they can be pretty pricey. It's easy to simply bake the flavor of cake you want and then cut sections to make pea pod shapes (you can even add round, green fondant peas). Then add some green food dye to white icing and frost.

A fun game is to cut paper out in the shape of a peapod and number it one thru ten. Then ask questions pertaining to various details about the mommy to be. For instance what color shirt is she wearing? Who ever gets the most right wins a prize.

Many richly scented candles come in a sweet pea fragrance that would make a gift or a party favor for your guests. Just remember anything you see in the store can be made at home with a little creativity.

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