How to Use Plush, Stuffed Panda Bear Toys as Decor for a Baby's Nursery
We have some ideas for using stuffed panda bear toys as decor for several popular nursery themes that will be loved and appreciated by both parents and their child. Kids love stuffed toys, and bears are at the top of the list. Panda bears are stuffed animals that may be the most popular with adults and children alike. So, let's use them as part of the decor! Here are some ideas for including them as decorative accessories when they are not serving as a special friend.
Stuffed, Plush Panda Bears and MORE!
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A stuffed panda bear will be right at home in an Asian room theme or baby's nursery theme right along with other animals that we associate with the rainforest. A giant Plush panda, such as the one below that comes with its own baby can be helpful in creating a special “Rainforest Corner” in the bedroom. Teach your child about nature, using realistic stuffed toys and dolls, right along with the realistic pictures of pandas that you share with her that you find in story books.

Go here to see
cute bears in a variety of sizes that will fit any space.
When time comes to put toys away, don't throw the stuffed plush pandas in the toy bin. Arrange them in realistic or natural poses perched among the branches of a tree painted on the nursery will. Hidden hooks or pegs can be used to hide your stuffed friends in plain sight as a 3 dimensional feature of a jungle themed nursery wall mural and out of the way until play time rolls around again.
here to see if you should get your child a real pet bear!
Panda bear toys are not only cute, they can also be educational. For instance, you can take this opportunity to teach your baby the differences in all the different kinds of bears. There are
- Arctic polar bears
- Black bears
- Brown bears
- Grizzly bears
- and of course our beloved Asian panda bears
. Each of these bears are from a different area, and all have different behavioral characteristics. Chances are the only place that your child will ever see a living breathing panda bear is in a cage in a zoo or on a nature show on television. And no matter how cute, cuddly and soft your stuffed panda bear seems to be all children should know that in reality they are wild animals and stuffed bears are the only kind that are safe to play with.
Some other stuffed toy animals that would fit right in your panda nursery theme with your stuffed plush panda bear would be
- Stuffed tropical birds such as toucans
- Stuffed jungle cats such as Asian Tigers
- Stuffed alligators and crocodiles
- Red eyed tree frogs
- Stuffed tropical anaconda snakes
- and any other Asian wild animals that you find in your research about pandas and the jungles that are their natural habitat
There are other panda bear items that you can use to accessorize your Asian or panda nursery theme. There are Stuffed panda bear pillows, panda bear throws or blankets made of polar fleece, panda baby bedding sets to park your stuffed panda bear on and I've even seen a timeout panda stool for a naughty toddler.
You are more than welcome to browse Unique Baby Gear Ideas for more tips using giant stuffed pandas to decorate a nursery for baby.
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