A foldable convertible crib is a wise choice for a small nursery when saving space and money is important.

A foldable convertible crib is a wise choice for a small nursery when saving space and money is important.

My husband and I will be sharing a bedroom with our baby so we needed small nursery ideas and furniture that was scaled to fit our space that were practical but at the same time didn't force us to spend our first few months with our baby girl in a room that was not attractive. After searching for compact nursery decorating ideas for apartments with no luck, we came up with our own plans of how to make a small room look larger and still be functional.

As it turns out, creative use of color was the best small nursery solution.

White foldable convertible baby crib perfect for a small nursery room

Go here to see more cribs and nursery furniture that were designed to save space in today's modern nursery.

Small Nursery Ideas

For the time being our little family is living in the lower level of my parents’ home and we knew that we would not be able to make other arrangements before the birth of our baby that was due to arrive this month. Even though our location is temporary, we got busy putting our small nursery ideas to work so that our little princess would come home to pleasant surroundings.


Accent walls in bold colors are nice, but we knew this wasn’t the best approach to take when decorating a small nursery. The first decorative decision was to paint the walls a light tea color and install light tea colored carpet. Then we chose a baby bed and changing table made from light colored wood that was similar to the color of the wall paint to avoid high contrasts.


We knew that clutter would torpedo the effectiveness of our small nursery ideas so we filled the shelves of the changing table with storage bins that we decorated in a pink princess nursery theme and over the table we hung a cute Winnie the Pooh picture. These were the first steps that we made in designating a particular style of decor. Until that point, our mission was to make the area visually spacious.


We continued the princess theme with a beautiful, Disney Princess crib quilt that was a gift from my mother-in-law. My mother contributed a framed picture with our baby girl’s name on it that we used in combination with a long strip of sonogram pictures that I had framed to decorate the wall over the crib.

One day in the near future, we will leave our small nursery ideas and our baby’s first room behind for a bigger place. But for now our little piece of the world with its light colors, practical decorations and lack of clutter is just fine.

I hope that my tips will help other moms and dads that visit Unique Baby Gear Ideas looking for ideas for decorating a small nursery.


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cute ideas
by: Anonymous

I also had a baby in a small space and light matching colors sound very nice. When I tried to decorate with bright pink walls and multi-colored accessories-it looked too cramped and cluttered.

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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