Cool Planet Wallies, Wall Decals and Stickers
If you're planning on decorating of bedroom using a solar system theme planet wallies or wallpaper stickups can make your job a lot easier. Experiment with the placement of your stickies until you get it right. The special adhesives on the back make changing your mind a breeze. They can also make your decorating project look a lot more finished and professional. Not to mention really COOL. After all he really wants to do all the homework necessary to be able to paint the planets in a realistic color scheme?
Visitors interested in planet wall stickers and decals also enjoy these pages:
Outer Space Baby Bedding
Moon and Stars Nursery Theme
Painting all the solar system and planets in space would put pressure on the most talented artist. are the way to go for a busy mom with very little time on her hands for personal hygiene, much less with time to paint elaborate murals on the nursery wall when she could use stickers for at least part of the solor system, galaxy or planet wall mural.

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If you have a well lit room to work with, you might consider painting the walls in a very dark navy blue or even flat black. Even if you are decorating a bedroom using a solar system theme that has lots of natural light, more than one wall painted this dark would be too much. Plan on painting the other three walls in a nicely coordinating color. A lighter neutral shade, inspired by the color of one of the decals would be an excellent idea. The best paint to use to decorate a room with a solar system theme and for this decorative painting technique would be a flat paint.
You would not want to use a reflective paint that would fight with your solar system, themed decorative items for dominance. You would want a background that will make your planet stickers stand out. Semi gloss paint would not give you the depth that you need for this in my opinion. If you are careful, you may be able to find some planet wallpaper with a small print that would work on the other three walls. For a less busy look, paint the walls, then break up the solid color with a planet wallpaper border.
Let me insert a word about the desired effects of depth here. As I mentioned above, you want to have a suitable background for your wall stickers and decals. You will also want to intersperse small decals in and among your planet wallies. For example, you will want tiny pinpoints of a light colored paint to indicate distant stars and planets. Think about all the pictures you have seen of our solar system. Are all of the objects you see in space the same size? Of course not! All of the planets are of varying sizes, and your planet wallies should range in size as well! You should have large wallies as well as small planet wallies in your galaxy or space themed mural. Varying sizes of planet wallies from Jumbo to small will help you to get a more three dimensional effect.
Some other wallpaper cutouts or wallies that you might want to include in your space mural would be
- Rocket Ships
- Space Stations
- Swirling Black Holes of Space
- Shooting Stars in the Milky Way
- Moons, Suns and all the planets in the solar system
- Planet Wall Decals
Get that set of Star Wars bedding ready! Your space theme bedroom is almost ready for take off!
Space travel on a day-to-day basis for kids and other average people is a thing of the future.With a little imagination and some planet wallies, we can enjoy the same views that the astronauts enjoy through the windows of their spaceships! And you don't have to wear an anti-gravity spacesuit to enjoy it!
In my opinion outer space theme murals are one of the best Unique Baby Gear Ideas because of educational as well as decorative benefits.
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