Free Printable Nursery Rhyme Baby Shower Game
Below you will find a printable, free nursery rhyme baby shower game that is available as a download as a graphic, image file. Typed wording featuring the questions that you see on the the picture has also been included should you prefer to copy the words and paste them into a graphic in your party's color scheme.
Busy moms may choose to use the exact wording in the quiz while others might choose to use the questions as inspiration for ideas for their own, unique version of the game.
Hostesses pinched for time might find it impossible to fit even a free download into a tight schedule. For them, I have also included a resource for baby shower nursery rhyme games that you can order to save time, printer ink and to spare the worry of locating cute Mother Goose clip art to decorate the games. The cards are so inexpensive that it almost makes the thought of making your own baby shower games seem wasteful as far as time and effort goes.
You will notice in the instructions that there is a time limit for your guests to correctly name the Mother Goose rhymes hinted at in the questions listed on the game example. The hostess can adjust the time limit to whatever frame she chooses but I found that three to four minutes gave most adults plenty of time to answer all the questions. One of the hostesses or a guest can be put in charge of telling the guests when to start the game, when time is up and tally the scores to declare a winner of the game.
Go here to see more
game cards, supplies and party invitations with a nursery rhyme theme.
Variation of the Name That Nursery Rhyme Game
In addition to the Mother Goose nursery rhyme trivia baby shower game, there is a word scramble version that your party guests might enjoy. This is a nursery rhyme baby shower game where guests are give a card with the names of classic nursery rhymes scrambled. The challenge is to unscramble the nursery rhymes. The player with the most correct answers wins a prize for participating in the nursery rhyme baby shower game. A nice idea for a prize would be an item that is needed to complete the crib set that the winner of the game presents to the mother to be as a gift.
You can easily make out your own cards or you can purchase sets of cards that include an answer card online.
Nursery Rhyme Baby Nursery Theme
Nursery Rhyme Theme Baby Shower
Name That Nursery Rhyme Game
Sample questions:
1. Mice who have poor eyesight
2. Un-fixable broken egg
3. A little girl with a severe case of arachnophobia
4. A quick little guy who leaps over candles
5. Musically talented kitty cats and dancing dinnerware
6. Elderly lady with a hungry puppy dog and nothing to feed
7. Clumsy kids that had difficulties climbing a hill
8. Jolly monarch of an advanced age who had a habit of
smoking and eating too much
9. Small male child who showed poor manners while eating
his dessert
10. Older female with rather unique living quarters
11. Inexpensive, freshly baked pastries
12. Three men who bathed together
13. Weary shepherd boy that owned a trumpet
14. Game bird with maternal instincts
15. Small bunny that picked on field mice
Return to Unique Baby Gear Ideas to see the latest in baby shower themes and baby shower games.
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