Ear Type Brackets for a 1997 Simmons Baby Crib

by Ankur
(Albany NY)

Metal Ear Type Bracket on a 1997 Simmons Baby Crib

Metal Ear Type Bracket on a 1997 Simmons Baby Crib

Is there a store online where I can order the ear type brackets for a 1997 Simmons baby crib that are needed to hold the metal hooks? Unfortunately, a few ears of the ones that came with the crib have have been broken so we can not put the crib mattress on the bed.

Could everyone please check in your parts inventory and let us know whether you have that part lying around?

Ear Type Brackets for a 1997 Simmons Baby Crib

I have attached a picture to show everyone the bracket for reference.

Go Here to See What's Available in the way of hardware, springs, bolts or screws to help you assemble your Simmons crib.

If anyone has any suggestions for a resource that carries Ear Type Brackets for a 1997 Simmons Baby Crib can you please contact me using the space below (and PLEASE include your contact information in case I need to get in touch with you!).

Unique Baby Gear Ideas encourages our visitors to share their resources for crib replacement parts such as this ear type bracket that Ankur wants to buy, alert us to crib recalls and to consider writing reviews of their cribs to make our little community of expectant parents aware of any problems that are associated with different models and brands.

Comments for Ear Type Brackets for a 1997 Simmons Baby Crib

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Ear brackets
by: Karen

I am also looking for 2 ear brackets for a 1982 simmons crib. Does anyone know where to get some or how to make them yourself?

Need them too / going to make them!!
by: Jim / Grand Pa

We are going to need some of these too.. I am going to make some, anyone else want some? let me know... these will be made of metal or Nylon, got to talk to my shop guys. These won't break like plastic and if made of nylon, they won't squeak.

jblandreth att aol dot com

Where to order replacement brackets
by: Anonymous

I too was looking for these brackets because one of the hooks snapped off when I placed the crib spring on.

I found this website but they are expensive.


Simmons DIY Crib Hooks
by: Anonymous

I made myself some using steel, little thin flat stock and small round bars. They work great and will probably outlast the crib. It wasn't hard to do.

ear brackets
by: Julie

did anyone find these ear type brackets? I need to replace them from my son's crib for a grandchild.

crib spring hooks
by: BNelson

I have been looking for 4 crib spring hooks. Sometimes they are called tunnel hooks. They attach to each corner of the springs to adjust height of mattress. I've looked everywhere.

by: Paula

Was wondering if anyone has any of the crib brackets pictured above. If interested in getting rid of one that you might have lying around, please email me at laydbug1304@yahoo dot com.

Ear type crib brackets
by: Anonymous

Not sure when these requests were printed, but as of now, I have two sets of these crib brackets left over from the assembly of a crib we had for our granddaughters.

If anyone wants them, I will send them to you for the price of postage.


Assistance 1721 97 174
by: Anonymous

I am pretty sure I am not on the correct page, but will some one HELP. I have a used baby crib, finally put it together. It is an ancient one(again given too me), there is a rail looks to me to maybe lift the mattress, I have it connected to the bed, but is the sliding side suppose too fit on it? there are brackets on the sliding side. Is it suppose too fit the mattress lifter. I cannot find a number too contact Simmons on this ancient bed. If anyone out there please, please, help. Thank you

Need brackets also
by: Cathi

Has anyone found these brackets? I just went to use my old crib and have discovered also that I have parts missing. I am missing the very bottom of these brackets. Can anyone help?

I need the same brackets
by: Janet

I am in need of the same brackets for my children's bed, bought in 1983. The bed is in perfect condition except for the plastic brackets that broke when I tried to reassemble the bed for a grand nephew. There are safety recalls on some of the Simmons beds.....but this bed was used by many children other than my two and is safe ..This in a very special piece of furniture to our family....Surely there are parts somewhere!

Ear Type Brackets for a 1997 Simmons Baby Crib
by: Ankur

Hi Lulu,

I'm sorry to say but I was unable to find these brackets (as they have been discontinued a long time ago) and had to buy a new crib for my baby. Thanks!

ear type brackets
by: Lulu

I am need of the same thing. My 1982 crib came back 20 years ago missing 2 of these ear type brackets and I just realized it today as I am cleaning it for a grandbaby. Did you ever locate these? I have seen on another website that they are no longer made and we have to convert to a bolt-in type support which do not work with the hangers attached to the spring unit. Here's hoping you were successful.

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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