Fun, Casual Backyard Barbeque Baby Shower Ideas
If you can count on a sunny day, perhaps some barbeque baby shower ideas will help moms to convince the dads to attend. The fact that the menu will be right up their alley and the mention that this casual, backyard party won’t be a frilly, formal affair should make an impression. You might even be able to convince them that their manly presence is needed to help build the fire in the grill and watch the ribs or hamburgers. If further enticement is necessary, assure them that while they cook the women will bring them their beverages. I haven't met a man yet who could resist being waited on hand and foot.
Getting the guys on board is not the only upside to a cookout in the backyard. The casual atmosphere takes a lot of the pressure off of both the guests and the hostess. It’s much easier to put your hair in a ponytail, throw on a pair of flip flops and a pair of shorts than to spend hours fixing your hair, makeup and trying on outfit after outfit to find one that makes you look thin. Not to mention that getting dad to wear a dress shirt and a tie on his day off is darn near impossible.

Remember that you want to send a message that falls in line with the rest of your casual baby shower ideas. One hostess I know peeled off enough paper napkins (the kind that are folded and stuffed into table dispensers at fast food restaurants) to cover her guest list and wrote the date, time and other details pertaining to the shower on the napkins. This might be taking the idea of keeping it simple too far in some people’s book, but you have to give her credit for being creative and I must admit that the invitations were effective because there were more men accompanying their wives at her party than at any other coed or Jack and Jill baby shower that I had ever attended. UNIQUE BABY SHOWER GIFTS IDEAS
If you like to request that the gifts your guests bring reflect your baby shower ideas as well as your cool baby shower theme, we have a few recommendations for you. - If your barbeque baby shower is a poolside party, ask that the gifts have a pool theme. Tiny baby swimsuits, swim diapers and towels would be so cute and very useful.
- Request toys for the backyard sandbox
- Baby sun protection and baby safe insect repellants
BABY SHOWER GIFTS FOR DAD This is one area where your barbeque baby shower ideas really shine. - You can order custom barbeque aprons with funny sayings on them for the new dad that will make him laugh and point out how important he is to the new baby at the same time.
- Put together a complete grilling kit with an accompanying poem with wording that points out that after the baby arrives that he will be transformed into a grilling machine for awhile mommy tends to the newborn.
BABY SHOWER GIFTS for MOM Anything that helps lighten the workload for a new mother is always a winner. - Have each of your couples in attendance bring a frozen casserole that can be easily popped in the oven and reheated on those days when cooking a meal from scratch is out of the question. Daddy will appreciate this gift as much as mommy
- Gift certificates for a spa treatment, a manicure or facial.

The key to making these baby shower ideas successful is to focus on making all aspects very laidback and casual. Be sure to have some Plan B baby shower ideas on hand in case of rain along with plenty of paper plates and plastic tableware and you’re all set. Return to Unique Baby Gear Ideas.
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