by Jillian

The "What was I Wearing shower game is a FUN baby shower game for men and one of the easiest baby shower games to play indoors. At the coed baby shower that I attended, some of the answers the men gave were SO FUNNY!


Fill a small basket (we used a wicker laundry basket filled with baby toys and clothes) with baby items like rattles, toys booties or bibs!

Have the guest of honor, the mother-to-be walk around the room giving each guest a peek inside the basket telling them to pay close attention.

After everyone has taken a look at the contents of the basket have your friend leave the room. After she is out of sight, one of the hostesses will proceed to ask questions, not about the baby stuff in the basket but about the mother-to-be!

Examples of questions to ask are:
What color was the maternity dress she was wearing.

What would you guess the measurement of her pregnant tummy to be?

What did her baby shower corsage look like?

What is the length of her hair and how was her hair styled?

The answers that men give in the "What was I wearing baby shower game" are especially hilarious! They are very good sports about it all and really enjoy joining in the fun!

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