Up, Up and Away Hot Air Balloon Theme Baby Shower
by JB
DIY homemade hot air balloon baby shower decorations that hung over the food table during the party.
I am thrilled to share pictures of the Up, Up and Away Hot Air Balloon theme baby shower that Rebekah Petrino, half of this husband/wife team of photographers, threw for her sister in-law. The photos, the first in our series of Charlotte Photography features, are filled with decorating ideas and DIY decorations that you can make yourself with just a few crafts supplies.
Their tasty menu selections alone should convince you to invite her in a professional capacity to record your event if you are fortunate enough to be in the Charlotte area.
Read on..and prepare to leave your troubles behind as these light and breezy photos take us away...

See the Necessary Supplies Here
Rebekah and her sister, Mallory, got the idea for this uniquely different
baby shower theme from the
hot air balloon baby bedding set that her brother and sister-in-law chose for their nursery. The decorations that they made themselves will go home with the mommy-to-be as a special memento of the day to be enjoyed in their little one's room.
I love black and white photographs! The expression on this little one's face as she takes in the sights and activity of the celebration is priceless! Capturing moments like these and instinctively knowing when to choose B&W rather than color is the mark of an excellent photographer; this same pic in color would not have had the same effect.
The toy animals seem to be keeping a watchful eye on the delicious snacks the hostesses prepared for their guests before moving on to their next function as decorations for the baby's room.
On the table we see artfully arranged (and photographed) fruit, chocolate dip and crudites. As inviting, tasty (and healthy)as the crunchy finger foods on the menu of the baby shower may be; I would make a bee-line straight for these cupcakes. The combination of chocolate cake, buttercream and pecan halves are impossible for my sweet tooth to resist.
The custom made button earring baby shower favors featured a photo of the daddy-to-be and the saying
"B is for Button, B is for Boy". The perfect wording; short, sweet and to the point. The ladies that attended the shower were invited by the appreciative hostesses to choose their favorite pair.
Congratulations from Unique Baby Gear Ideas to
Jacob and Alisha and thanks to Thomas and Rebekah of
Charlotte Photography for sharing this special day with us.
Just so you know, I'm (almost) as thrilled about featuring their work as this mom-to-be is with her shower!