Marques a Unique Baby Boy Name with Strong Meaning and Planetary Connections

by Victoria
(Willcox, Arizona)

Victoria says that she always liked this name for a boy and we agree. It is certainly a masculine name worthy of note that is said to be Portuguese in origin. An Old French variation of the name would be Marquis and the Latin variant would be Mark which is most commonly used version of the name in the United States.

Here is the meaning of this unique baby boy name.

The definition of the name Marques is one that is of or dedicated to the planet Mars. It is a name that is exclusive to boys and one of title ranking below the rank of a duke yet below an earl. No wonder the name has a very strong feel to it as another meaning of Marques is "The god of war".

According to US census information for the last decade (1990), the baby boy name Marques is a very rare first name for boys but ranked very highly as a surname.

So what do the rest of you think about Marques as a name for a boy? Would you consider it as a first name, a middle name or not at all? Add your suggestions to our cool baby names list or vote for your favorites that were submitted by others.

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