Fun Golf Theme Games We Played at a Golfer Mommy-to-Be's Baby Shower

by Linn

A girlfriend and I were co-hostesses for a baby shower with a golfing theme this past weekend. The baby's mom and dad are passionate golfers and we thought they would get a real kick out of this game and they really did.

We were very worried that we would not be able to find a golf theme baby shower game for couples.

Golf Theme Games for a Baby Shower

The shower was planned to take place soon after the holidays which didn't give us much time to get the Christmas decorations down and replace them with baby blue and green baby stuff, but I really think everything came together very well and everyone had an excellent time.

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. We tucked a note into the baby shower invitations requesting that everyone come dressed in their best golfing clothes for an afternoon with friends "on the green".

They actually got their nursery ideas from photos on Unique Baby Gear Ideas! The golf theme nursery is amazing, especially the argyle nursery wall; it is spectacular!

So we chose a baby shower theme that had a similar color scheme as the baby's room. I was very thankful for Allison's help AND that another blogger posted ideas and videos for some really FUN baby shower games.

Where's My Golf Ball

was the first game the guests were invited to play.

Before the party, Allison and I wrote each guest's name on a plastic golf ball and hid them around the venue.

At the beginning of the game, we told the guests that after hitting their ball into the rough; they would have to retrieve it. They were instructed to find their personalized ball as quickly as possible as the number of strokes was based on how quickly they retrieved it.

The Pitter Patter Putting Game

was set up using an inside putting game that we got for Christmas! The person with the least number of strokes wins. Here's an example of how this game was played at another shower.

Our putter pool game came in really handy for this game.

Scoop the Ball Out of the Water Hazard

The next stop on the "course" was the dreaded water hazard. Here are the rules for this game and a video example of how it was played at the shower we used as inspiration.

The last game we played is called "Who is Closest to the Pin".

Before the baby shower, I taped a "pin" to the floor of the longest hall in our house.

The rules were that everyone got to hit their ball once and then we measured to see whose ball was closest to the pin.

Even our non-golfer friends had lots of fun playing to the point that we knew everyone here at Unique Baby Gear Ideas would want to hear what a success the celebration turned out to be!

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Golf Baby Shower Game
by: Terri Ann

The video of the couples playing the golf baby shower game was awesome and so helpful in helping me get a feel for how the game should be played so that everyone has as much fun as possible.

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