Feed the Baby Game

by Lynsie

The FEED THE BABY GAME is a great co-ed baby shower game that is lots of fun and all of the supplies that you need to play are probably in your kitchen cabinets making this a great (read: cheap) game to include in your plans if you find yourself running short on cash!


  • 1 Jar of Baby Food for each team of players. You might fill empty jars with apple sauce or pudding before the shower.
  • Blindfolds for the players
  • Spoons


Have your guests draw for partners or if you are hosting a coed or couples baby shower, husbands and wives should be on the same team. Then, divide the guests into two teams of two players.

2. Blindfold all of the players. One person will be the baby being fed and the other is the parent doing the feeding. Have the parent hold a a jar of baby food in one hand and a spoon in the other. When you say "GO", the "parents" will start to feed their baby. Now you see why I recommended the use of applesauce because real baby food wouldn't be very tasty.

The winner of the FEED THE BABY BABY SHOWER GAME is the team who empties their jar of baby food first and with the least mess!

Plan to have a video camera handy because you will want to record the fun!

WARNING! Yeah, the Feed the Baby game is a great couples baby shower game but it's also a good game to play at a baby shower that is outside because things can get messy. In fact, the messier the more fun it is! For indoor baby shower it would be smart to cover the floors with plastic drop cloths and for the players to cover their clothes with garbage bags or plastic aprons.

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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