Custom Nursery Art Prints
by Jan
You Are My Sunshine Custom Nursery Art Prints in Yellow for a Baby Girl Nursery Room from YassisPlace on Etsy
I've always felt that the money spent for framed, custom nursery art prints was money well spent. Being a cheap person at heart, I use a lot of free printables and crafts projects but there is truly no comparison between artwork that comes off my inkjet and what can be found in Yassi's Place on Etsy.
Yassi's Etsy store has become one of my favorite places to shop for cute nursery wall art no matter whether I'm decorating for a baby girl, boy or both! I know that her collection always has a fresh look that inspires creative decorating ideas for a baby's nursery or a child's room that are stylish and FUN!
Here are a few examples of her prints with some ideas for how to create arrangements for your baby's nursery walls AND you will not want to miss your chance to win a $50 gift card to shop in her store below.
Yassi's 8X10 "You Are My Sunshine" prints with flowers and birds in yellow, pink and blue featured at the top of the page are just the perfect colors for a light and airy room design for a baby girl. Their color palette will complement many of this season's best baby bedding collections.
A gallery wall display containing colorful art in eclectic shapes and sizes often works well in situations when a symmetrical display just doesn't fit. If decorating a large area, consider including some framed black and white photos in the arrangement to add a homey touch.
An arrangement of four (4) custom nursery art prints in size 8X10, 5X7 (or smaller, depending on the size of the space) hung to form a rectangle will be more visually pleasing than a wider display when left with a "difficult to fill" narrow space that calls for something special.
If the baby girl's nursery has reached full capacity as far as dainty birds, hearts and flowers are concerned or in a baby boy's nursery; a favorite wall quote in an attractive font printed in colors to complement the color scheme is a nice touch.

This typography print with an excerpt from a classic poem "Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails that's what little boys are made of." would be a nice addition to a gallery wall display or stand perfectly on its own.
Few colors say "boy" like navy blue. A quote from a storybook or poem in blue is a perfect fit for a little fellow's first room.
WIN a $50 Gift Card: To spread the word about Yassi's Place, Yassi is giving
Unique Baby Gear Ideas readers a chance to win a $50 gift card to use in her Etsy store!
HOW TO ENTER: To enter, visit Yassi's Place on Etsy, and return to let us know which of her art prints strike your fancy with a comment below. Contest ends Friday, May 4, 2012 at 11:59pm CST.
Unique Baby Nursery Decorating Ideas" on Facebook then give us a shout out on our wall to let me know you did with a comment below.
2. Follow
thebabynursery on Twitter, tweet about this giveaway and tell us you did with a comment below.
3. Follow Unique Baby Nursery Ideas and "pin" pictures of the wall art from this post on Pinterest and add your Pinterest link in a comment below.
[Be sure to leave an individual comment to record each action for extra entries}
I received prints to review for this giveaway contest and no other compensation. My opinions on the quality of the artwork are my own and were not influenced in any way.