by Jan

I just found a list of the best baby nursery themes and nursery colors for this year that were touted as being the latest NEW themes in decorating for baby boys, girls or for use in neutral themes.

Many of the themes and decorating trends are my favorites but I have to disagree that they represent the top trends for this year and this year alone!

For example, some of the themes for nurseries on the following list are favorites with new moms and dads EVERY year. They may take on a few new colors from one year to the next. They may be decorated with different styles of baby bedding and accessories in colors that haven't never tried yet. But for the most part these are the best baby nursery themes for this year and probably will remain so for many years to come. Take a look and tell me which one you think is best!

1. Classic Winnie the Pooh

2. Floral Nursery Decor

3. Vintage Circus Nursery

4. Jungle Nursery Themes

5. Baby Animal Themes

6. Sports Nursery Themes

7. Pirate Nurseries

8. Ladybug Nursery

9. Butterfly Nursery Themes

10. Moon and Stars Nursery Theme

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