Baby Trend Sit and Stand Silverado
by Glendine
I found the Baby Trend Sit and Stand Silverado on sale just before we took the kids on vacation this spring and while it was an impulse purchase, I want to say that I am crazy about this stroller. I was perfectly happy with my other baby stroller but I didn't want to be seen in the theme park with a worn looking stroller and wanted something new and finding an affordable model that had the capability of comfortably strolling three kids (two toddler girls and a six month old baby) was not easy!
It comes with a tray and other accessories that cause other moms to give the Baby Trend Sit and Stand Silverado very high ratings, but to give the kids more room, I remove all of the extra accessories. Removing all the extras makes it easier to get the girls and the baby in and out and the sun canopy and stuff just made the stroller heavy and harder to load and not worth the trouble, but that's just my opinion.
The way that I load my three kids is to have my newborn reclining in the front, my younger girl facing forward sitting on the platform and my oldest daughter standing behind her. It works great for me until the older girls start to get tired and squabble but that's not the fault of the Sit N Stand stroller.
Just so you know, the Baby Trend Sit and Stand Silverado isn't advertised for triplets or three kids. My opinion is so long as I'm within the weight limit I should be safe, but you need to make your own call on that.