Baby Shower Etiquette for Hosting Your Own Baby Shower
Many expectant mothers wonder whether it's proper baby shower etiquette to throw your own baby shower or a major faux pas. Emily Post, if she were here, would have thrown up her hands and screamed at the idea of anyone hosting their own shower for any reason. But in today’s world there are certain circumstances that would make throwing a baby shower for yourself necessary and as long as things are done properly, well..proper.

It's a Party! Have Fun! No Gifts Required!Reasons for Throwing Your Own Baby Shower Here are some of the situations where it makes sense to plan and host your own party. For instance, what if you have just relocated to a new city and haven’t made that many friends and you have no family nearby? Inviting your coworkers or neighbors to a party celebrating the upcoming birth of your child would be a nice way to get to know them better. Or what if all of your friends are young, single and still in a clubbing rather than a parenting frame of mind? Why should a girl be denied the opportunity to celebrate this happy occasion just because her friends don’t have a clue or her family lives too far away?

Dance! Have Fun! |
When you throw your own shower it is crucial that you make it crystal clear on the baby shower invitations that you are having the party to celebrate the arrival of a baby not to ask people to shower you with presents. In fact, the subject of baby gifts should not be brought up unless one of the guests asks specifically where you are registered and even then it would be best to reiterate that no gifts are requested. How to Be Your Own Baby Shower Hostess Here is how to host your own celebration without throwing all of the tenets of baby shower etiquette out the window. The key to success (and for avoiding criticism for being a greedy person) is that things must be done in such a way that it's obvious you only want to share this wonderful time in your life and are not just trying to build a big pile of baby shower gifts.
Decorating Your Own Baby Shower It would also be best to forego decorating the venue with traditional baby shower decorations, tableware or anything that refers to a baby shower theme to avoid confusion. To give any impression whatsoever that the guests are expected to come bearing gifts, would undoubtedly give Miss Manners a fainting spell! The Guest List Speaking of guests, the guest list should be limited to a small group of co-workers, friends or acquaintances since they would be most likely to appreciate the opportunity to celebrate the birth of your baby with you and enjoy taking a peek at your baby nursery ideas. Focus on inviting young couples who are in a similar stage of life that will appreciate the importance of the upcoming event and understand your reasons for creating your own brand of baby shower etiquette.
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