Baby Nursery Design Ideas for Boys and Girls
Choosing a baby nursery design and then carrying out your plans is easy using the examples and tutorials that we have for you but to those who have never tackled this kind of project, the idea of painting and decorating a nursery can be intimidating.
Determining Your Decorating Style
Most professional decorators have a signature style and amateurs do as well but we have to identify it.
Can you imagine yourself spending time in a tranquil nursery with a serene nursery color scheme or can you see yourself having fun with your baby surrounded by bright, lively colors?

Baby Girl Nursery Pictures
If you aren't sure which color scheme would suit you it would be best, before you just jump in feet first and make expensive mistakes, for you to choose your baby's bedding set and use its color and design as a guide for decorating the nursery.
An inspiration piece can be invaluable in helping a decorator to choose paint colors or the best nursery theme.
MEASURE YOUR SPACE: The size, shape and lighting in your baby's nursery can be altered visually by making the right decorating choices. An accurate measurement is crucial for choosing the best furnishings.
For example, if the room is small, you may have to make a decision as to whether or not an armoire, a baby changing station AND a baby dresser will fit and it would be best to make do with a dresser with the baby changing station on top and have room for a glider rocker. If you do not want to bruise your knees dodging wall to wall furniture during 2am feedings buy only what you need.
Some of these necessities, including those that have to do with the newborn's safety, are mandatory while others like special lighting and comfort features that are specific to a baby's room are optional. If you have never had a baby before, chances are that you don't yet recognize the need for inexpensive, personal touches that more experienced parents regard as "must haves" that go far beyond aesthetics and safety.
Start with safe and functional baby gear, furnishings and once the basic layout is complete, you can start to select decorative accessories according to your preferred style of nursery decor. Always put your newborn's safety first and list decorating the nursery as a secondary concern.
Get organized and make a list of the necessities in colors or themes according to your chosen baby nursery design. Start with the essentials and big ticket items like the baby's crib and dresser. Once you have these items on hand, you can move on to smaller, less expensive equipment and decorations.
As easy as painting and decorating the baby nursery may be, we just can't help it; panic strikes, and we're driven to run out to the baby center and fill our shopping carts with all the modern gadgets and gear!
You should have about seven or eight months to choose a baby nursery design and put it all together. Make lists, get a plan. DO IT YOURSELF! Whether you decide to stick to the basics with no frills or shoot for a luxury baby nursery design, decorating your baby's room is best achieved by taking educated "baby steps".
Some people find this frustrating and it's true that decorating the nursery doesn't take as much time as choosing the baby nursery design. Making decisions can be very time consuming but the reward is a safe and comfortable environment where you can enjoy your new baby and know that you did your best to protect him or her from anything harmful.
TAKE INVENTORY:I would suggest you start with making a list and shopping for the larger baby nursery items that you will need and have room for (see above paragraph). Begin with a a list of the larger items you will need and click the links for HOW to shop for your:
- Baby Crib
- Baby bassinet
- Traditional rocker or a glider
- Baby changing station or table
- Baby dresser
- Baby Dresser
- Baby Armoire
- Laundry Hamper
- Toy Chests
Keep in mind that this will be the center of operations in your household for quite a while.
For a really calm setting that will work well with several of the nursery themes listed, try one of our beginner nursery painting techniques.
On the other hand, if there is a baby decorating idea you've entertained and refined within your own imagination for a while, you may already have a particular nursery décor in mind. You may want to choose artwork, nursery rugs and other nursery decorations before choosing your baby bedding.
Daddy wants to know how much this is going to cost! We can always count on dad to bring us back to earth when it comes to the decorating budget.
Remind him that "It's never smart to save a nickel only to have to spend a dime." We should be willing to pay a little more for quality rather than to buy something cheap and be force to replace it later. NEVER scrimp where your baby's safety is concerned. Always check for quality construction when shopping for baby furniture and accessories because many can be used for a very long time.
Why people refuse to admit that they don't know beans about decorating a nursery or choosing a baby nursery design is beyond me. Even professional decorators have to educate themselves on how to design and paint a nursery that is safe, functional and stylish. So, why should those of us who don't make our living matching fabric swatches with wall paint be ashamed to admit that we need a few tips and ideas on baby nursery design?
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