Jenny Lind Cradle Instructions and Parts

I would like to request that someone please scan a copy of Jenny Lind Cradle Instructions instructions with a parts diagram and replacement parts and email them to me. My baby's cradle is approximately 10 years old and I have no idea where the assembly instructions manual or the package of parts that I need to assemble it are.

I don't even have the excuse that we have moved! I have just misplaced the parts and instructions and need replacements.

Go here to see the
parts that are currently available on Amazon.

If anyone has any suggestions for a resource Jenny Lind Cradle Instructions and parts can you please contact me using the space below (and PLEASE include your contact information in case I need to get in touch with you!).

Unique Baby Gear Ideas encourages our visitors to consider scanning a copy of their own cradle assembly instructions manual and uploading a picture of it on this website, share replacement parts, alert us to Jenny Lind baby cradle recalls and to consider writing reviews of these cradles to make our little community of expectant parents aware of any problems that are associated with different models and brands.

Comments for Jenny Lind Cradle Instructions and Parts

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Jenny Lind Cradle
by: Anonymous

I bought a Jenny Lind cradle, but it is missing the pin that stops it from rocking. If anyone has found a replacement for this part, please email me at malneestorm95 at gmail (dot) com
Thanks so much!

Part to hold cradle to posts
by: Anonymous

I'm searching for the part that you attach the cradle to the posts! Help, please!!!

Brass locking pin
by: Anonymous

I need to know where to buy the brass locking pins for a Jenny Lind rocking cradle.

Can anyone help?

rocking pin
by: Florence

I have misplaced the rocking pins for my cradle. Any ideas where can I purchase replacements for them?

Pin to stop cradle from rocking
by: Teggie

I am also looking for the replacement pins that keep the cradle from rocking. Thank you

Brass replacement parts for jenny lind swinging cradle
by: Lela L

I need replacement brass bolts to allow my jenny cradle to rock and the pins that stop it from rocking to restore cradle for my daughter. Please contact me with info at winnie_country2 at

Cradle spindles
by: Anonymous

We are trying to assemble a cradle that my father in law initially restored for our oldest daughter 26 years ago. There are some spindles missing and replacing them is the final necessary step before we re-stain the crib.

We had one that a gentleman said he could replicate 4 more for us. However, he no longer contacts me so we are stuck without our original spindle and only have a few weeks to finish the project.

We have lost 3 weeks dues to the gentleman not responding to me. I have decided to just order them, however, I cannot find the exact replica online, anywhere.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

by: Anonymous

I am looking for Jenny Lind cradle replacement hardware and cannot find any anywhere!

I gave the cradle that was hers as a baby to my daughter for her baby. It has tremendous sentimental value and I have been so careful with it over the years but I somehow lost the hardware.

I am so so sad and want to make it right for her.

Can someone please help me locate the hardware that I need?

Secondhand Jenny Lind Baby Bed Directions
by: Brenda Stafford

I bought a secondhand Jenny Lane baby bed at a yard sale and now can't find directions on how to put it together.

Can anyone help?

Part that Keeps the Jenny Lind Baby Cradle from Rocking
by: Kathi

I bought a nice cradle from yard sale and I am very pleased with how it looks and operates. The only thing it is missing is the part that keeps the cradle from rocking. Does anyone have a spare part that they might be willing to share or sell?

by: Anonymous

I need a side rail for an oak cradle It didn't come with the move. Thanks for your help.

Need Cradle Part
by: Cheryl

I am looking for the part that makes the cradle rock or not rock. Please reply.

Assembly Instructions for a Jenny Lind Cradle 303WP
by: Anonymous

Does anyone have a copy of the assembly instructions for a Jenny Lind Cradle 303WP? The manual to the one we have has disappeared and I don't have a clue as to how to properly put it together.

If anyone can scan or email a copy to me at bsmesa75067 "at" yahoo "dot" com I would be most grateful!

looking for parts
by: Anonymous

did you ever find parts for the cradle-
ours needs the under bar which allows the cradle to rock or not rock.

looking for parts
by: Anonymous

did you ever find parts for the cradle-
ours needs the under bar which allows the cradle to rock or not rock.

replacement parts
by: Anonymous

did you ever find the replacement screws and bolts? where?

Jenny Lind Cradle Parts
by: Anonymous

I am looking for Jenny Lind cradle parts!

I need replacement hardware (hooks and pins) for my Jenny Lind cradle.

Does anyone know where can I get them?

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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