Silver Baby Charms

by Connie
(North Carolina)

The silver baby charms that I chose would be ideal gifts for workers in my organization. I am the president of Newborns in Need, a national non-profit made up of volunteers (including myself) who tend to the needs of newborns who are born into health or economic crisis for the first 30 days of their lives.

The silver baby charms I chose for my charm bracelet represent what we as volunteers do. We sew, knit, crochet,collect blankets and sadly provide burial outfits for those who lose the battle in their fight for life.

I would wear this bracelet and proudly display these charms to spread the word regarding the work we do and our mission. Perhaps one day I will be able to purchase enough charm bracelets to give one to each of my 55 presidents.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

Connie Edwards

Here are the silver baby charms that I would like to have on a bracelet.

  1. Baby blanket charm
  2. baby feet heart
  3. baby bottle
  4. teddy bear
  5. angel oval
  6. baby shoes
  7. yarn and needle
  8. fancy cross

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